Knowledge is Power, is it?

An explanation of the 'SHARE' concept, created by Sander Bossink

Knowledge is Power, is it?

Many of us often hear the phrase, “Knowledge is power.” It’s so common that it’s almost become a cliche, but it’s not. The phrase was actually coined by the philosopher, Francis Bacon, and has been repeated already so many times throughout history, also often used in many communication skills and/or management trainings. Maybe interesting to know is that, for example, Thomas Jefferson expanded on the definition, adding that knowledge also “gives security and happiness.”

The term “knowledge” is often used in business, particularly in negotiations, but not always in a good way, so you would ask yourself, why is this? Well, in my opinion because knowledge gives you an edge over others, many people don’t always like, or even want, to share it. But sharing knowledge can actually create a powerful force that completely transforms a business relationship or even a team dynamic.

Nowadays, businesses have more-and-more access to data than ever before. From website traffic to logistics, it's all tracked electronically and usually reported to management. This data can help companies make better decisions, invest more wisely, stay ahead of the market, and adjust their operations accordingly. In fact, research from McKinsey shows that businesses that use analytics and data more intensively are more likely to get more customers, make more money, and keep more customers.

Hello world


In today's business world, it's important to have trust and transparency in order to build long-term relationships, with both your internal, and external, stakeholders. If we would stop sharing knowledge and information, the risk is that you lose the relationship with others, and trust is lost in both you, and your company. That's why I created some while ago the concept of 'SHARE' (Significant, Helpful, Accessible,Reliable, Educate).

The 'SHARE' concept, created by The Motivate Academy, consists of a number of highly important goals that together form a strong combination of actions, that will have a desired outcome.

Significant - the information or knowledge that you have, can be significant for others to know, use, or just absorb in they day-to-day work. It's always hard for you to decide if the particular knowledge could be useful for others, but if not shared, the outcome will always be, that the knowledge will never reach another recipient.

Helpful - make sure that the information is always digestible for the recipient, adjust the way you communicate each time you share, so all information is well received. Make sure that you always double-check if someone understood what you've shared with them.

Accessible - often knowledge is about sharing information, which can be done in multiple ways. For example; if you want share something about a new process, system or program or app that will be newly used, only verbal communication is not enough. Standard Operating Plan or manuals, work instructions, etc.etc. are always helpful for the recipient, since different people 'save' knowledge in different ways. So, make sure all information is accessible to each and everyone, and differ in the way you provide it.

Reliable - all the info you share must be 100& correct, in other words; if not correct this might cost you your reliability, and a decrease in trust by your stakeholders. So, double check all the info that you share that is always correct and reliable.

Educate - maybe the most important part of the 'SHARE' concept; make sure that all the knowledge that you share is intended to serve, to educate and/or to enlighten the recipient. How often do we see facilitators, trainers, or even managers sharing information in a way, that it's not appealing, and therefore not reached. Make sure that everything you share information and knowledge, it's intended to educate the other.

So, If your intention is to build a successful business relationship, a stronger team, or supporting your stakeholders in the best possible way, the 'SHARE' concept is a perfect method to establish trust and transparency. It also builds trust and, in some cases, even companionship. These kind of relationships don't just happen by chance, they emerge from a combination of trust and support that someone is experiencing, and these kind of relationships are build for a long, long time.

If you want your team to engage according to the 'SHARE' concept, please contact us for the special "SHARE your Knowledge" workshop!

Sander Bossink
